Tag Archives: funny

November 13th, 2014

November 13, 2014
November 13, 2014

We have a history with this song and it played at a moment while we were packing up my old room that seemed too perfect to just be the clever programming of a streaming music site’s algorithms. The feeling as if we were caught in a narrative (rather than real life) amused me.

I’m not sure I quite captured it, but trying new things is what this project (and my life in general these days).

November 7th, 2014

November 7th, 2014
November 7th, 2014

This was an incredibly hard day in an incredibly hard week, but this moment of levity between me and some of my favorite people is exactly the way I want to remember it.

Which I suppose is obvious, since I wouldn’t have written a comic about it if I didn’t.

But I just want to acknowledge how sometimes this comic captures the hard moments from a good day and other times it captures the good moments from a hard one.