Cape Kiwanda, Oregon. Kara, Me, Dad, and Mom.
Cape Kiwanda, Oregon. Kara, Me, Dad, and Mom.
I suppose a little more context is in order: My family doesn’t know everything about my life or the way I conduct my relationships, so there’s some anxiety that the people close to me will be rejected by them.
But when I left Ohio, I had to explain to my family that I couldn’t live my life in a way that would make them happy. That I had to live in a way that would make me happy. And so I have. And so I do.
I love them. Dearly. But I have to live this life of mine my way.
She’s a keeper.
It was just a TIA or mini-stroke and he’s recovering exceptionally well according to his doctors, but I’m not quite done with my Dad yet. I need him to stick around at least a little while longer.