License pictures and junk science.
This was a bizarre dream I had shortly before I moved to Chicago last year. I was living in Ohio, feeling stuck, sad over a breakup, and worried that I was taking on too much by moving to a new city where I only knew a handful of people with no job lined up and only a few thousand dollars in the bank.
This was probably the first comic work I had done in five years and I essentially saw it as my chance to experiment with the form again. I won’t claim all of the experiments here were successful, but this is what rekindled my love of making comics.
I was quite tempted to go back and redo these pages (including doing a hand-drawn version of Jon Hamm’s head for the repeated image), but decided to leave it exactly as it was the day I scanned it about a year ago.
When describing this to a loved one, I told her this was the way a person suffering from Depression’s brain lies to them. Anxiety makes you fear the worst, despite all evidence to and desire for the contrary. Depression sometimes makes you wish for it.
But it isn’t real. And I don’t listen.