I’m not obsessed I don’t even know what you’re trying to imply here …
There were days in February where I was a blank. Where my notes read things like “I worked. I can’t remember anything else.”
Since it was grief at losing my Mother that had me so disconnected, I decided to write about my memories of her on those days.
My mother and I had long conversations where we never agreed on anything, but we talked and we learned. About ourselves and each other. I have often worried (especially since she passed) that this was an unfair amount of emotional labor, but this was a role she relished and a way that we bonded.
I still worry it was too much to ask of her, but that’s for me to bear.
I miss her perspective. I miss my Mom.
There were days in February where I was a blank. Where my notes read things like “I worked. I can’t remember anything else.”
Since it was grief at losing my Mother that had me so disconnected, I decided to write about my memories of her on those days.
This is from Mom’s first corporate airplane flight in February of 2014 to come see me for her birthday. My brothers were just worried about her, but I knew she’d be just fine. During her and I’s last long, meaningful conversation, she told me how much she appreciated that I saw her as a competent, capable woman and laughed that I was certainly the only one of her sons who would put her on a bus and send her off to a city by herself.
I miss the brave woman who inspired me. I miss my Mom.