This was yet another eventful hike. I didn’t get my camp set up until midnight, then woke up to a couple of dudebro’s setting up their camp at about 2:15 AM.
But I regret not a second of it.
Today was a day of confronting things that at other points in my life I would not have. I would have shied away. I would have acquiesced.
I’m not saying I did everything perfectly, but I didn’t do a bit of it without putting myself and my own happiness first and foremost. I didn’t spend a moment sacrificing my needs for the needs of others.
And if you think that sounds selfish, I would suggest you go read about codependency.
I am responsible for my happiness and right now, I’m being very responsible.
Tonight I went to a live recording of the Sex Nerd Sandra podcast, which I’ve been a fan of for about two years now. Her guest was the brilliant Erika Moen, author of Dar and her current project, Oh Joy Sex Toy.
Depending on how they edit the episode, you may get to hear my voice as I ask my questions about being sex positive within my work. If they do, you’ll get to hear Erika’s rather surprising answer.
Even if they don’t use my question, I’m sure you’ll hear me laugh. Loudly. A lot. Because that’s what I do.