I think she likes me.
(Also, I totally failed to capture how she was leaning on that bike rack. This is my completely not-secret-at-all shame for all eternity.)
I think she likes me.
(Also, I totally failed to capture how she was leaning on that bike rack. This is my completely not-secret-at-all shame for all eternity.)
During a day filled with reminders that my current relationships are nothing like my former relationships (including overhearing a woman talk about emotionally abusing her boyfriend while we were at dinner), it’s hard not to engage in unhealthy behavior after having lived the life I have.
I have a tendency to put the people I care most about up on a pedestal. Right now it can be incredibly tempting to do this with my partner. But I know that will just drive a wedge between us.
So I struggle to continue to be present, honest, and engaged.
She’s worth the struggle.
Commitments and admissions.
Spanish lessons.
Something important happened tonight. Maybe someday I’ll tell you about it.
During a trip to Ohio, we went to my favorite amusement park, Cedar Point. It’s pretty rad.
A nice little reminder that magic is still out there if you know where to look.
Today I recorded an interview with a friend of mine that will hopefully lead to something new for this comic and my creative life. This has been in the works for a while, but I’m finally pulling the trigger and getting started.
More to come.
Babies, man.
(they’re real hard to draw)
Bow ties are cool.