This is less hindsight than it is perspective.
Tag Archives: friends
January 2nd, 2017
Today, I found out that my mother had a very serious infection. I could go into the details, but they don’t matter. Not really. While everyone else was holding on to hope, I knew just enough about what she had to know her odds weren’t good.
I was 2,500 miles away, broke, and caught completely off guard. I wasn’t ready. But I tried to start getting there.
January 1st, 2017
IKEA with Heather. Or really, anywhere with Heather.
December 31st, 2016
I hate when I get behind on my comics, because the whole point is to tell a story without purposely writing a narrative, but since I’m making this more than a month after it happened, I can’t help but write it knowing what comes next.
December 28th, 2016
Heather and I probably shouldn’t be allowed in the same room together.
December 19th, 2016
Moving Day, part eleventy billion.
December 17th, 2016
I can relate, though. Every time I mess up, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be alone forever.
(I spend a lot of time worried about being alone forever.)
December 8th, 2016
Random passers by seem to find Heather and I hilarious.
November 24th, 2016
Gender as a binary social construct … sucks.
November 20th, 2016
Sorry, friends. I think it’s more about me than the content, but at some point I started paying too much attention to the puppeteer and not enough to the show. This is pretty universal across all media I see for young people.
It’s probably the same reason I doubt I’ll ever finish reading the Harry Potter books.